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Cleaning standards: what are they? and why care?

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Cleaning standards are a series of steps and processes that ensure your home is properly cleaned by a professional service. The main point of cleaning standards is to make sure that there’s nothing left behind on your surfaces. Cleaning standards are a set of minimum requirements that ensure an acceptable level of cleanliness. Cleaning standards ensure that you get the best service from your cleaning professional so you can feel confident about getting back to the things that matter most! There are no standards that compare to the Pixie Standard! We strive to be the best and to lead the way forward in the cleaning industry.

What are cleaning standards?

Cleaning standards are a set of minimum requirements that ensure an acceptable level of cleanliness in your home. They help you get the best service from your cleaning professional so you can feel confident about getting back to the things that matter most!

There are two types of cleaning standards: The EN15151 standard and the BS EN1647-3 standard. The EN15151 standard is more commonly used because it’s newer, but both provide similar results in terms of how clean your home will be after a thorough deep cleaning session.

Cleaning standards are a series of steps and processes that ensure your home is properly cleaned by a professional service. The main point of cleaning standards is to make sure that there’s nothing left behind on your surfaces.

Cleaning standards are a series of steps and processes that ensure your home is properly cleaned by a professional service. The main point of cleaning standards is to make sure that there’s nothing left behind on your surfaces, which is why some experts consider them an industry standard.

The most common type of cleaning standard is the checklist—a list that shows all the tasks you need to complete when you clean your home yourself. For example, it might show how often you should dust or how many times each week you should sweep the floors or vacuum up pet hair and crumbs from under your couch.

Cleaning standards are a set of minimum requirements that ensure an acceptable level of cleanliness.

Cleaning standards are a set of minimum requirements that ensure an acceptable level of cleanliness. They can be used as a benchmark for hiring a cleaning service, or if you’re planning to hire someone to do your own home cleaning.

Cleaning standards are very important because they ensure that there’s nothing left behind on your surfaces. If you want your surfaces to be completely free of dirt and germs, then it’s critical that your professional cleaner follows these standards every time they visit your home.

Cleaning standards ensure that you get the best service from your cleaning professional so you can feel confident about getting back to the things that matter most!

Cleaning standards also help you get a thorough clean. They ensure that you get the best service from your cleaning professional so you can feel confident about getting back to the things that matter most!

Why should you care about cleaning standards?

Cleaning standards are a benchmark that can help you hire the right professional cleaning service. A good cleaning standard ensures that your home will be cleaned professionally and thoroughly in a way that’s tailored to your needs and preferences. When you have a solid understanding of what makes up a quality cleaning standard, it becomes easier to choose the right cleaner for your needs.

In addition to making sure that you get the best service from your cleaning professional, cleaning standards also ensure that you feel confident about getting back to the things that matter most!

How do I know what the cleaning standards are for my industry?

There are a few ways you can find out what the cleaning standards are for your industry.

  • Check your local government’s website, which is the best place to go if you want a checklist of specific cleaning standards. Some councils have made their checklists available online, so you can look there. If not, ask them directly by calling or emailing them to see if they have any guidelines for businesses in your industry category.
  • Ask your professional cleaner about it—they’ll know exactly what issues are most important for businesses like yours and can help guide you through what to look out for when choosing a commercial cleaner and how often they should come visit (usually once every three months).
  • Check out other companies who offer similar products or services as yours: do they share similarities in terms of their approach? Or do they have completely different approaches?

The UK’s National Cleaning Council has created an industry standard to help you clean your business.

The National Cleaning Council has created a standard that can help you clean your business. The standards are available on the National Cleaning Council website (https://britishcleaningcouncil.org/) and can be accessed for free.

The standards are a benchmark for how to clean your business, so if you’re looking for more information about cleaning, this is a good place to start!

The cleaning standards generally apply to commercial buildings.

The cleaning standards generally apply to commercial buildings, but can also be applied to homes and other types of property. In general, the minimum requirements for cleaning standards are a series of steps and processes that ensure your home is properly cleaned by a professional service. The specific requirements vary depending on what kind of property you have and what type of services are used (for example: steam cleaning versus dry cleaning).

Cleaning standards can be used as a benchmark for hiring a cleaning service.

When considering the hiring of a cleaning service, you may want to ensure that they meet certain cleaning standards. Cleaning standards are a set of minimum requirements that ensure an acceptable level of cleanliness. You will find that all professional cleaning services follow these guidelines, but some do not meet them.

You can use cleaning standards as a benchmark for determining which service provider is best suited for your needs. They also help you determine whether or not the company has been negligent in their duties and should be held accountable for any damages caused by negligence on their part.


In short, cleaning standards are a checklist that ensures your home is properly cleaned. They’re also important because they ensure that your professional cleaning service is doing their job correctly so you can feel confident about getting back to the things that matter most! Level up your cleaning by reading our blogs here.

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