• Eat
  • Sleep
  • Clean
  • Repeat
  • Eat
Magic Enabled

Pixie Dust Cleaning Hacks for the Home

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Like the rest of us, you have a lot to do in a day. You have to clean your house, do the laundry, and maybe even take care of your family. It’s important to be efficient with your time as well as effective with your cleaning products and methods. Here are some hacks that will help you become more efficient around the house:

It’s surprising how many of these cleaning hacks use the same ingredients!

You’re about to learn a bunch of ways to clean your house, but you should know that a lot of them use the same ingredients. For example, vinegar and baking soda are great for removing stains on carpets and clothes; dryer sheets can be used in place of fabric softener; squeegees are an easy way to keep windows clean — and they even smell nice! And if you’ve got some lemons or limes lying around? Well, they can go in the microwave with your dirty dishes too!

Don’t worry if it seems like we’re throwing too many options at you — all these cleaning hacks are super easy and will only take ten minutes or so.

you can buy baking soda here

Make a paste from one part vinegar and one part baking soda, and use it to scrub your toilet bowl.

Spritz your toilet bowl with a vinegar and baking soda solution. This will cut through tough grime in your toilet and leave it sparkling clean.

Mix 1 part vinegar to 1 part baking soda. Add the mixture to a spray bottle, then spray it onto your toilet bowl. Scrub with a brush or sponge until all of the dirt is gone, then rinse with water.

Clean greasy dirty hands by using a dryer sheet.

It’s the end of a long day, and you’re about to call it quits for the night. But before you do, try this quick cleaning hack: grab a dryer sheet and wipe your hands with it. The sheets are made of soft fabric that can absorb grease, so they work well on dirty hands. Plus, they leave your hands feeling fresh and clean because they have an antibacterial agent in them!

Put liner in your trashcan

First, let’s address the most important thing. If you’re using a trashcan for garbage/trash, liners are going to be your best friend. They can also help keep bathroom and kitchen cans cleaner by preventing spills from spreading across the bottom of the can. And last but not least, liners make it much easier to sort recyclables if you want them separated from regular trash (which is especially useful if you have kids—or just want an excuse to use way too many recycling bins). There are two major types of plastic liners: those with handles at one end for lifting out full bags easily, and those without handles and meant to be torn off when full. Both options have benefits; if you need a larger capacity but don’t mind getting your hands dirty every few days or weeks while removing old bags, consider getting an open-top bag that’s easy enough to lift out with bare hands instead of one with handles that requires gloves or tongs when removing full bags as well as tearing off used ones.

Use a squeegee after you shower

You’ve just finished showering, but you’re not done cleaning. Or at least, you should consider doing so. One of the best parts about using a squeegee after your shower is that it makes the bathroom look like you just put up new tiles or painted it; all in less than 10 minutes!

Another great benefit? It prevents mold and mildew from forming on your lovely tile walls (and we all know how much fun that can be).

If this sounds like something worth doing, here’s a quick guide on how to do it:

Use a squeegee on your glass

The squeegee is one of the best tools for cleaning glass, and it can be used for more than just windows. A squeegee will remove water from shower doors and windows with minimal effort, saving you time and water. It also works great on car windows!

You can buy a dedicated squeegee or go the DIY route by using a flat piece of cardboard or plastic. If you have any small holes in the cardboard, they’ll act as little dams that prevent drips from forming while you clean them up—but be careful not to poke yourself!

Vinegar and baking soda are your cleaning friends

Vinegar and baking soda might just be your new best friends. You probably already have them in your kitchen anyway, so why not take advantage of their abilities to clean all sorts of surfaces? Vinegar is an acid, and baking soda is a base. Both of these products can be used as cleaners if you know how to use them properly.

To clean your microwave with vinegar and baking soda:

  • Sprinkle 1 cup (240 ml) of water into the bottom of your microwave, then add ¼ cup (60 g) of vinegar and 2 tablespoons (30 g) of baking soda or bicarbonate of soda;
  • Microwave on high for 5 minutes until it starts boiling; when it stops boiling, let stand for an additional 5 minutes before opening the door again; wipe away any remaining moisture with a damp cloth

Use dryer sheets to clean your baseboards

  • Take a dryer sheet, run it along the baseboard, and watch as the dust just falls off!
  • The little fibers that make up the sheet are so fine that they actually attract dirt.
  • This also works for floors and other hard surfaces like countertops.

Use dryer sheets to clean up dust bunnies

If you’re looking for a way to clean up the dust bunnies that have accumulated on your desk, you can use a dryer sheet too. Dryer sheets are incredibly good at cleaning up dust bunnies and other forms of dust. This is because they have been designed specifically with this purpose in mind.

Keep your sponges smelling fresh with vinegar

If you’re the type of person who uses a sponge to wash dishes, cleaning your sponges regularly is an absolute must. Sponges can become nasty after just a few uses, and they can really make your hands smell if you don’t keep them clean. Luckily there’s an easy trick to keep them smelling fresh: soak them in white vinegar for 30 minutes and then rinse off the vinegar with water. Letting the sponges air dry will let them stay nice and clean. You can also use baking soda instead of white vinegar if that works better for you!

Clean smelly sponges by zapping them in the microwave for 2 minutes

Clean your smelly sponges by zapping them in the microwave for 2 minutes. (Do not put multiple items in the microwave at once.) If you have non-stick cookware, this method won’t work for you. Nor should you try it on plastic or paper sponges, which can melt.

Cleaning your garbage disposal with a cut up lemon or orange.

There are a few ways you can use the citrus fruit. You can cut it up and toss it in your disposal, then run hot water for five to ten minutes. This will help the citrus oils break down any buildup that’s inside your drain.

Alternatively, you can grind up some fresh lemons or oranges and add them to a pot of boiling water on the stovetop. Boil this mixture for ten minutes before pouring it down your garbage disposal while running hot water at the same time. This method also works well if you’re looking for an all-natural way to clean your sink or tub as well!

If necessary, repeat this recipe until your sink is fully clean!

Easily clean windows and mirrors.

It is the little things that can make a big difference in your life, and cleaning windows is one of them. You will save time, money and energy if you use products that are made specifically for this purpose.

If you want to clean windows and mirrors with ease, try these tips:

  • Use a squeegee on glass doors or single pane windows. This tool helps remove moisture from the surface so that dirt and debris cannot stick to it as easily. It also allows you to quickly dry off water spots if they appear during washing tasks such as window washing or shower cleaning services.[1]
  • Use microfiber cloths for mirrors since they do not scratch surfaces like traditional rags do when used without appropriate care [2]. Microfibers are soft enough for wiping down delicate materials such as eyeglasses without causing damage; however, use paper towels instead if there’s any concern about scratching your lens!

Get a streak-free shine with this simple trick.

If you’re struggling to get a streak-free shine on your glass, this is the trick for you.

If you want to avoid streaks and water spots, use a microfiber cloth instead of paper towels and dryer sheets. The cloth should be damp—not wet—to avoid lint or scratches on your glass.

Next, use another clean and dry microfiber cloth to buff out the window after applying cleaner with the first cloth. This will give you that beautiful shine without leaving behind streaks!

Seal that pillow to keep it from going flat.

There are a lot of ways to keep your pillows from going flat. If you want to go the traditional route and sew a zipper into your pillow, that’s fine. But if you’re feeling more crafty or just want to save some time, try this:

  • Sew a pillowcase onto your pillow (or use Velcro).
  • When it comes time for bedtime, put the pillow inside the case and tie whatever is left over around both pieces of fabric with a cloth tie. Remember: less is more here! You don’t want too much tension on your fabric; otherwise all that hard work will be undone when you lie down at night!

Never buy dryer sheets again!

  • Buy a good-quality wool dryer ball and use it in place of dryer sheets. This will make your clothes soft, reduce static cling and save you money on the chemicals that come in those dryer sheets.
  • Make your own dryer sheets using old (but clean) socks, towels or t-shirts—just pull them apart into long strips and hang them from the top of your laundry room door frame with clothespins to dry (this works best when you’re done with all of your laundry for the week).
  • If you don’t want to go through that hassle, just use an old hand towel or washcloth as a makeshift alternative!

Make your own natural fabric softener.

You can also make your own natural fabric softener. Just mix 1/2 cup of vinegar with 1/2 cup of water, then add it to the wash cycle. It’s that simple! You could even add a few drops of essential oil for an extra boost of freshness—I like lavender and lemon myself.

Keep your car’s seats like new using this simple trick.

While you’re in the driver’s seat, take a moment to wipe down the seats with a clean towel. This will remove any excess water and allow for a better cleaning later on.

Next, grab some paper towels or an old t-shirt and use them to clean off your car’s seats as well as its dashboard. You can also use a wet rag or even an old toothbrush if you want!

For added smell-fighting power, spritz some air freshener onto your cloth before using it on those surfaces. And using either one of these methods will help keep dirt from building up on your dash over time—because we know how much you love getting into that sweet layer of filth every morning when you get into work!

How to remove scuff marks on carpets.

How to remove scuff marks on carpets.

It’s a common occurrence to have a scratch or scuff mark on your carpet. These can be brought about by the kids’ toys, pets, and people walking across them in shoes with hard soles. There are several methods you can use to get rid of these unsightly marks:

  • Use a toothbrush and some dish soap. Dab the scuff mark with some toothpaste (make sure it’s not too abrasive) until it disappears. It should come off within seconds!
  • Use an eraser if you don’t have any toothpaste handy. Just rub gently until the mark disappears!
  • For more delicate stains like ink or paint, try using dryer sheets to lift them up before washing your clothes again—the residue will be trapped inside! This works especially well if there are multiple colors involved; just pick one out at random each time until they’re all gone! Be careful not get too close though—you don’t want any stray fibers getting stuck between other threads when removing them later on…”

Cleaning your washing machine easily.

  • Clean your washing machine easily.

Use vinegar to clean your washing machine. Vinegar is an effective cleaner that can be used on a variety of surfaces and fabrics, including those in the washer. Mix white vinegar with water in a container large enough to hold 1/4 cup of each solution, then pour into the washing machine drum before beginning a cycle with hot water only (no detergent). Once the cycle has completed, rinse thoroughly by running another load of hot water through it before drying as normal.

  • Use baking soda to clean your washing machine. Baking soda is also an excellent cleaning agent for use with many different items around the home, including clothing and fabrics in a laundry room environment! To keep this process simple but effective, sprinkle some powder on top of wet stains using dampened fingertips rather than sprinkling directly from above so as not to create clumps that may get stuck somewhere else along their travels across both floors and walls during subsequent cycles—those stains will disappear without causing any harm whatsoever!

Try these hacks and see how much easier cleaning can be!

We’ve rounded up some of the best cleaning hacks out there to help you save time and money when cleaning your home. These tips will also help you be more eco-friendly, which is great for the environment, but also for your karma.

Hacks like these can save you so much time and energy in the long run, plus you’ll end up with a cleaner house! A cleaner home makes for happier family members who are less likely to fight over who’s doing all of the cleaning, too.


Hopefully you’ve learned something new about cleaning, and we hope it makes your home a little cleaner. There are so many different ways to clean your house from natural ingredients, like vinegar, baking soda, lemon or oranges. You can also save money by making your own cleaning products at home with these simple recipes. If you want to learn more about how some of these hacks work and how they could help you out in your everyday life then check out some of our other articles on the subject! If you have any question feel free to contact us Here or leave a comment below!

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