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Vacuum attachments: how and when to use them

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Let’s face it: a good vacuum is one of life’s greatest inventions. It can suck up all sorts of things you might not see on the surface, like pet hair and dust bunnies. But even the best vacuums need some extra help from attachments in order to do their job properly. And if you’re wondering which tool does what, here’s everything you need to know about how and when to use each vacuum attachment:

These vacuum attachment tools are useful for cleaning a variety of surfaces.

The best way to use your vacuum attachment is to pick the right one for the job.

Let’s take the crevice tool as an example: If you have a lot of tight corners and cracks, this tool gets into spaces your main nozzle can’t reach. It’s great for cleaning along baseboards, around car seats and under furniture like sofas or beds. The dusting brush is another useful attachment that will help you clean upholstery, drapes and blinds with ease. This attachment comes with a soft brush bristles on one end and a microfiber pad on the other end—just flip it over depending on what kind of surface you’re trying to clean! You can also use an upholstery tool if there are spills or stains that need special attention (like those left behind by dogs). Just place it over something dry like newspaper before vacuuming up any messes left behind by pets! Finally we have our mattress tool which is perfect if there’s anything stuck deep down inside them such as food crumbs or pet hair; just slide this under there without worrying about getting dirty since it doesn’t touch any part of what lies beneath!

If none of these options sound good enough then maybe consider using something else entirely–like perhaps some sort of extension wand? Or perhaps even better yet: A wet dry vacuum attachment may be exactly what needs done here instead because now we’ve got two different types working together simultaneously seamlessly in harmony…

Crevice tool

The crevice tool is a must-have for pet owners who want to keep their homes free of pet hair. It can be used to clean under furniture, around the baseboards and in corners. The crevice tool is also useful for cleaning between cushions on your couch or chair, or between wall and floor boards in your bathroom.

If you have hardwood floors, use this attachment to vacuum along the edges of each board. This will keep dust from settling there and make it easier to get rid of any messes later on—and just think of how nice your home will smell!

Another great use for this attachment is in drawers—it’s perfect for getting rid of crumbs that get stuck between drawers as well as reaching deep inside them so you don’t miss anything important!

Dusting brush

When you hear the word “dusting,” your mind probably goes to cleaning off tables and other hard surfaces. But what about the delicate surfaces, like blinds and curtains? Or hard-to-reach places, like light bulbs? In these instances, a dusting brush can come in handy.

You might be wondering why you need something specifically for dusting when a regular vacuum cleaner should do just fine. Well, here’s the thing: regular vacuums don’t always have enough power to pick up dust from delicate surfaces or tight spaces. This means that sometimes you’ll have to do some manual labor—but not with these attachments!

Upholstery tool

The upholstery tool is great for cleaning upholstered furniture, including couches and chairs. It works by spinning brush bristles to loosen dirt and hair, which are then sucked into the vacuum cleaner. This attachment can also be used on curtains, car seats, sofas and armchairs.

Mattress tool

The mattress tool is a fantastic multipurpose attachment. You can use it to clean mattresses, upholstery, car seats and even furniture! It’s also great for getting into small nooks and crannies on carpets. This one tool gives you access to a lot of different uses that would otherwise require multiple attachments. How’s that for efficiency?

Turbo brush

The turbo brush is a three-pronged vacuum attachment that’s used for cleaning carpets and upholstery. It can also be used outdoors to remove loose dirt from hard surfaces such as driveways, patios and decks.

The turbo brush has two settings: low and high. Use it on low power when cleaning carpets or rugs (but don’t go overboard). If you’re dealing with pet hair or other stubborn debris, opt for the high setting; just remember to keep moving so you don’t burn out your motor!

Be careful not to use this tool on delicate surfaces such as silk or velvet; it could cause damage to the threads in these materials if they get caught in between its bristles. Also avoid using the turbo brush on hardwood floors; because of its powerful suction capabilities, it could damage those surfaces over time.”

Wet dry vacuum attachment

You don’t want another mess on your hands, so the next time a spill happens in the kitchen or bathroom, you’d better be ready with a wet dry vacuum attachment. This handy attachment will keep your floors dry and clean by cleaning up spills before they get a chance to soak into the carpet.

The wet/dry vacuum attachment is perfect for cleaning up liquids that have spilled onto hard surfaces like tile or linoleum. It’s also great for drying out areas where water has leaked under doors or through cracks in walls (and yes, this can happen even if you’re renting). When using it on carpets or rugs (or anything else), make sure not to damage them by sucking up too much liquid at once; otherwise, you’ll pull some of their fibers back into the hose instead of pulling just air through them!

Pet hair brush

You have a pet. You’re probably familiar with the amount of fur your furry friend can shed at any given time. A vacuum attachment brush is designed to help you keep their hair from getting everywhere, so you don’t have to be ashamed of your housemates’ comments about how much it looks like a tumbleweed blew through your living room.

To use it:

  • Grab a pet hair brush attachment for your vacuum cleaner, or if you’re using an upright model and need to get into some tight corners or crevices (like under furniture), choose a hand held version instead
  • Attach the brush head to the end of your hose/wand/tube and turn on your machine3) Set it down and let loose on those upholstered surfaces — those carpets too!

Extension wand

The extension wand is the Swiss army knife of the vacuum cleaner world. It can be used to clean ceilings, walls and other hard-to-reach places by attaching an assortment of attachments—dusters, brooms and more—to its end. The extension wand may be used with both wet dry vacuums as well as handhelds; however, it’s not recommended for carpet cleaning due to its limited reach.

When using an extension wand:

  • Make sure you have a long enough one for your needs (you’ll want at least about 8 feet) but don’t go too crazy here either; longer wands are harder to maneuver than shorter ones!
  • Choose attachments that will make sense based on what you’ll need them for (for example: A crevice tool if you’re cleaning out corners).

Knowing when and how to use each attachment will prevent damage to certain household surfaces.

Using the wrong attachment for the job can lead to damage and/or frustration, so it’s important to know what each attachment is designed to do. If you’re unclear about how to use an attachment, most vacuum manufacturers offer a guide on their website. Some attachments are made specifically for one type of surface or tool, while others are more versatile.


In the end, it’s not all about the tools—it’s about how you use them. We hope we’ve helped you understand that by using these vacuuming accessories correctly, you can keep your home cleaner for longer and save yourself time, energy and money when it comes to cleaning up after a messy day (or week!).

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